
I am primarily interested in cryptography and privacy, and I sometimes dabble in combinatorics.

  • F. Günther, D. Stebila, and S. Veitch. Kemeleon Encodings. Internet-Draft.We recently wrote an Internet-Draft on random encodings for ML-KEM public keys and ciphertexts. I'd be happy to receive any feedback!
  • M. Mazmudar, S. Veitch, and R. Akhavan Mahdavi. Peer2PIR: Private Queries for IPFS. [arxiv]
  1. D. Francolla, M. Filić, and S. Veitch. Privacy Implications of AMQ-Based PQ TLS Authentication. ACM CoNEXT 2024, 65-72. [article]
  2. F. Günther, D. Stebila, and S. Veitch. Obfuscated Key Exchange. ACM CCS 2024, 2385-2399. [eprint] [article]
  3. S. Veitch, and D. R. Stinson. Unconditionally secure non-malleable secret sharing and circular external difference families. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol. 92, 941-956, (2024). [article] [arxiv]
  4. D. Keeler, C. Komlo, E. Lepert, S. Veitch, and X. He. DPrio: Efficient Differential Privacy with High Utility for Prio. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2023 (3), 375-390. [article] [artifact]
  5. T. Humphries, R. A. Mahdavi, S. Veitch, and F. Kerschbaum. Selective MPC: Distributed Computation of Differentially Private Key Value Statistics. ACM CCS 2022, 1459-1472. [arxiv] [article] [code]
  6. N. Bindel, D. Stebila, and S. Veitch. Improved attacks against key reuse in learning with errors key exchange. Latincrypt 2021, 168-188. [eprint] [article] [code]
  7. D. R. Stinson, and S. Veitch. Block-avoiding point sequencings of arbitrary length in Steiner triple systems. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 77 (2020), 87-99. [arxiv] [article]
  8. D. L. Kreher, D. R. Stinson, and S. Veitch. Block-avoiding point sequencings of Mendelsohn triple systems. Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 343, Issue 5 (2020), 111799. [arxiv] [article] [technical report]
  9. D. L. Kreher, D. R. Stinson, and S. Veitch. Block-avoiding point sequencings of directed triple systems. Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 343, Issue 4 (2020), 111773. [arxiv] [article] [technical report]
  10. C. J. Colbourn, D. R. Stinson, and S. Veitch. Constructions of optimal orthogonal arrays with repeated rows. Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 342, Issue 9 (2019), 2455-2466. [arxiv] [article] Editor's Choice 2019


Here's a selection of some talks I've given recently.